FP3 bottom module Wanted

Hi Thanks for your prompt reply, presumably you know you can buy one from Fairphone for £17.95


The other issue is that the usb port may be dirty, I’ve had debris/dust colelct in previous phones and eventually damaged the port when trying to clean them. But a @urs_lesse has said the phone is still under warranty, so if you have not damaged it then it will be covered by warranty.

I have seen a post where similarly someone bought a new module and Fairphone reimbursed them once they had assessed it was a faulty part covered by warranty ~ I’ll see if I can find the post and update this topic with a link.

Whether or not it is a problem due to a debris ridden usb port you may like to protect it in future.

EDIT UPDATE: I just noticed @Incanus has suggested the same option :slight_smile:
And I can see from your quick response that you may have already considered that :slight_smile:

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