đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș FP3 bluetooth problem with Ford SYNC3

Ich habe das gleiche Problem beim Toyota Corolla 2020er Modell. Im Toyota Verso hatte ich das Problem auch. Der Witz: mit dem Fairphone 2 klappt es ohne Probleme, sowohl im Verso als auch im Corolla. Fairphone hat da mit dem FP3 irgend etwas verschlimmbessert. Bitte dringend beheben! Es liegt definitiv nicht am Hersteller des KFZ!

Willkommen im Community Forum.

Bitte dringend direkt dem Fairphone Support bescheid sagen, der liest das hier nÀmlich nicht :wink: .


Ob die da 'was machen können, ist eine andere Frage 
 Bluetooth ist auch schon immer so eine Frickel-Technologie, von deren Funktionieren man besser nicht abhĂ€ngig ist :slight_smile: .

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Danke fĂŒr den Tip. Ich habe es gleich mal “angezeigt”, mal schauen, was daraus wird.

I habe das gleiche Problem mit Ford S-max (2017). Alle Versuche gemacht.
Beim Ford dealer ist das Problem vor einem Monat weiter geleitet zu Ford Hauptcentrale (in Köln) aber noch immer keine Antwort bekommen. FP3 steht (noch) nicht in der Liste von kompatibele sync 3 gerÀte!
Bei Fairphone support Anfang Januar kommuniziert und das Problem ist Ihnen bekannt. Es wird daran gearbeitet. Am besten auch support Fairphone informieren .

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Mein Kumpel hat auch nen Ford und das FP3 mit dem gleichen Problem.
Ich habe /e/ OS installiert und witzigerweise klappt es mit meinem FP3 und seinem Ford reibungslos.

Das nur mal zur Info.

Hat es einer mit irgendwelchen Apps hinbekommen das Auto und das FP3 zu verbinden?


Ich kann das noch mal bestÀtigen. Wir haben gestern Abend sein FP3 noch auf /e/ geflasht und nun lÀuft es ohne Probleme mit dem Ford.
Alles andere hatte vorher nicht gefruchtet. Weder die Hotline noch der HĂ€ndler, der ein Software-Update bei dem Auto gemacht hatte konnten abhilfe schaffen.


Da sollte Fairphone dann mal mit der /e/-foundation abklÀren, welchen Unterschied die Betriebssysteme bei den BT-profilen o.À. haben; denn offensichtlich lÀsst sich das Problem von der Seite aus lösen.

Could Fairphone maybe get into touch with the /e/-foundation about the differences between /e/ and Fairphone Android regarding bluetooth connectivity? Obviously the connection-problems between the Fairphone and Ford SYNC3 are limited to the FP-Android-OS version.
It seems, that this problem can be solved on the side of the OS rather than by the Ford software.


Hi @BertG,

I will check on this and get back to you asap. :slight_smile:


Thx a lot; especially for this very fast reply!
I really love, that FP is taking us users up on such questions. Of course that doesn’t solve the problems instantly, but it makes me feel taken seriously and it shows they (i. e. You @formerFP.Com.Manager) do care.

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Aahhh. I really strongly hope that this can be solved in a rather short than long while. Thans for forwarding. BR

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Apologies for the delay, but rest assured, I have not forgotten about this request. I will loop back as soon as I have more information to share. :slightly_smiling_face:


Greetings from Munich! We have the same problem here with a Fairphone 3 and a Lexus UX300h We would like to use the Fairphone 3 as a company mobile phone in our company. But this is only possible if Bluetooth works in our cars (VW Polo, VW Golf, Lexus UX300h).
We really like the Fairphone 3! We hope that an update will be released soon to solve the Bluetooth problems. :slight_smile:

Have you tried, or would you like to try switching to /e/-OS?

Hi everyone,

I have heard back from my colleagues in the relevant department and they are already well aware of this issue and are continuing with tests and analyses to address this.

Additionally, I am also told that in Ford’s official release notes, they mentioned there is a software upgrade to improve the bluetooth connection stability with smartphones. This also points out some bug fixing needs to be conducted in the car kit.

But ultimately, on the Fairphone side, we are still actively trying to find a solution. I will, of course, update you once again when there is a change in the situation. Thanks again for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience.

:slight_smile: Rae


Hi, thanks for the suggestion & sorry for my late answer. Unfortunately, this is not possible for IT security reasons. Our IT security policy is relatively strict here.

@ Rae

That’s good to hear. I hope you find the solution soon. :slight_smile:

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Irgendwas neues dazu?
Hat jemand, die verschiedenen Audio-Codecs bzw. Bluetooth-Protocoll-Versionen in den Entwickler-Optionen durchprobiert?
@formerFP.Com.Manager wĂŒrde evtl. ein Log (HCI-Snoop-Protokoll) helfen um das Problem zu beheben?

Any news on the issue?
Did anyone try out the different audio codecs and bluetooth-protocoll-versions of the developer options?
@formerFP.Com.Manager would a log (HCI-Snoop-Protocoll) help to adress the issue?

Hi @rominator007, we cannot guarantee that it will, but if you do happen to try it, please share your findings. On our end, this is on our radar and it in being looked into by our software team, but we have no new developments to report just yet. Will keep you all updated when new information comes to light.

Rae :slight_smile:

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I see. Well I just tried again with the setting “Bluetooth-GerĂ€te ohne Namen anzeigen” checked (English: something like “Show Bluetooth devices without name” or similar). That did not help.
I tried different values of “Bluetooth AVRCP-Version” to no avail.
And I tried with a value of “Bluetooth Audio-Codec” of “Optionale Codecs aktivieren” (English: something like “Activate optional codecs” or similiar) also without any result.

The behavior is as following: I try to couple starting with the car or the FP3. Everything looks alright. Event the phone is showing the connected bluetooth symbol at the top of the screen. Then the car gives me an error message “FP3 bietet keine SYNC-kompatiblen Funktionen.” (English: “FP3 does not offer any SYNC-compatible functions.” or similiar) and the connection is closed (I assume by the car).

This leads me to the assumption that the offered bluetooth services by FP3 are somehow not accepted by the car.

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Here is the version of SYNC running in my car:

For someone searching the web:
SYNC 3, Softwareversion: 2.2
Build 16280_PRODUCT
Ford Motor Company

I will post the HCI protocoll later when I have the android debugger installed in order to get to “/sdcard/btsnoop_hci.log” which annoyingly enough I can’t without the debugger.
I will also try to connect with this service app that I cannot find right now and don’t know it’s name that has a bluetooth-option.
I also found some “feature-flags” in the developer options where some bluetooth-settings are disabled strangely enough. Anybode knows something about this?