Hi all,
I’ve had persistent issues with syncing to my Fitbit Versa 2 (and before that similar issues with connecting to my Fitbit Charge 4) - it seems like it only syncs successfuly maybe 5% of the times it attempts it, which in practice means that it often doesn’t sync for days at a time - has anybody experienced similar issues and found a solution or workaround?
Yes, I have that problem. My Fatbit only syncs when it feels like it. I don’t think this is strictly a Fairphone issue as it’s the same on a colleagues Samsung Galaxy (A12 model I think?). To be clear, mine will synchronise, but only when it wants to, never when I ask it to.
Another point is unless you have internet connection, it will never sync. The data is fed from your tracker through your phone to their (googles) server, only then does the remote server pass the data back to your phones app. If they can’t have your data, then neither can you!
If your app won’t work at all, try deleting storage and cache.
I tried to use a fitbit Versa 2 also several years ago. It was a mess! I got rid of it and bought a Garmin. They are years ahead of fitbit.
If I may give you an advise: Dont waste your time with fitbit(ch) products.