FP3 A.0111, Android9 OS update, security patchlevel February 5th, 2020

I was having the exact same problem for months. Using a “Lidl Connect” SIM which is a German Vodafone reseller. April 20 and still no January update, no February update, stuck in December 2019. So annoying, especially as we are talking about security updates!

The Fairphone support is useless in this case: I just keep getting excuses and helpless, meaningless replies as if Fairphone was not aware of the problem at all.

Finally, I checked with another SIM card: I removed the mentioned above and put in a 2017 inactive SIM from Laos(!), started the phone and it successfully installed the update immediately! Swapped the SIMs back again and everything is fine.

I think Fairphone should have talks with Vodaphone as this behaviour is simply inacceptable. And so is, sadly, the Fairphone support, too.

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It’s interesting that it works with that Sim card for you. I tried it with 3 different American cards (all non Vodafone) and it works with none of them. It seems it heavily depends on the provider and country and not only the already discussed Vodafone+Orange are affected.
Anyway, since it doesn’t look like theres a Google-free OS coming up from Fairphone side I am thinking about switching to the soon to be released /e/ for the FP3. Then the topic should be solved anyway.

quick update from my side:
after some e-mail discussions with FP support finally including harsh words from my side they finally managed to give me the following feedback:
“Dear xxx … After consulting with the tech team, this is what they told me: ***The update was not delivered on devices with Vodafone SIM cards because in some specific conditions it might have caused some malfunctioning. This will be fixed with our next software release which will be deployed also to Vodafone SIM card users and will contain all of the previous updates.***”
Until today no automatic update with my Vodafone SIM, but using the known SIM-swap mechanism I immediately got A.0118. (which includes “Minor fixes for various carriers configurations” according to FP release notes)
After reboot I immediately switched back to Vodafone SIM and even with this SIM I immediately got A.0120. hallelujah ! So this topic seems to be solved …


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