So : my TWRP gets stuck in the home screen (symbol with 2 arrows up/down). A restart of the system is only possible by removing and replacing the battery.
It is not the first time.
When I remove and replace the battery I can start the phone again but the update is not installed.
Basically I have the same problem than the one described there : FP2-update to Open OS 17.08.1 fails - TWRP without reaction
But I didn’t understand AT ALL the answer of it. And I couldn’t grasp what I should practically do after a search on the forum.
As I have no idea what is “flashing” etc, please answer in a “fairphone update for the dummies” way !
This guide describes how to install Fairphone OS.
While the steps are valid for Fairphone Open OS, too, the manual installation file for Fairphone Open OS is here though …