My FP2 is 5 years old. Since I recently upgraded the OS as was proposed, the phone worked for a little time and then started rebooting. At first, it was just random. Now, it’s non stop. I can’t even start it to try and save my data.
The battery seems OK.
I remove it, and replaced it after more than 1mn.
I remove the card and tried starting it but it went rebooting on and on and on as well.
I’m aware than there are already a lot of posts about random and loop re-booting but i just don’t have the time to go through all the answers to find a solution.
Ready to get a new phone actually but I’d like to make sure I save and clear all the data before it goes to recycling.
Fairfully yours
CS from France.
Can you Boot into recovery (press Vol-up and power) and/vor fastboot (vol-down+power)?
When you can Boot to fastboot (fairphone logo plus blue LED) you can seither manually install again the OS or Boot into TWRP, enable MTP to copy data #twrpwoflashing
thanks for the answer. I’ll try that and will let you know.
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