FP2 Bottom Module needed in Hamburg/Germany

Sadly, I missed the deadling of @Leo_TheCrafter to order a Bottom Module replacement, so I’m looking for the original part again.

Shipping to Hamburg/Germany

It’s the usual microphone issue. I already tried to fix it but had no luck.

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Welcome to the forum, it’s good to know you tried to fix it. Did you read the posts from people here?

Of course have you considered getting a electronics shop to do the work given how long it may take to acquire one

I also missed leo_thecrafter’s offer for a bottom module. Is there any chance to get a replacement?

@anon9989719 I tried here and elsewhere, yes. And no, I have not considered to let an electronics shop do the work because what’s the point in having a DIY-phone (unless very special treatments are necessary like SMD soldering).

I tried disassembling the module and putting a piece of plastic below the contacts as one user suggested who had similar symptoms.

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I think there is no option to repair the mic other than soldering. FP intention is not that users can repair the modules the intention is to replace easy if broken. Unfortunately there was a higher need of bottom modules as expected so its sold out and one must hope for second hand.

@yvmuell What would be a good starting point to search for soldering instructions to repair the mic? Maybe I can find some help in a maker space or repair café.

Good images on this post

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