FP1 how to change lockscreen

My phone lockscreen used to have a large widget with the time on, useful when wanting to check the time quickly. All of a sudden and with no intervention by me it has changed itself to a small extract from my calendar. I cannot find out how to change it back. can anyone help?

On the lockscreen first swipe down to hide the unlock input. Then swipe to the left until you see a large + sign. Tap it to add lockscreen widgets. If you have more than one you can long tap them and move them around. I believe the rightmost one will be your standard lockscreen widget.

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Brilliant. It worked, after a bit of fiddling. Now I can know what time it
is when I wake up in the night. The little tiny clock at the top of the
screen is too small for me to see when Iā€™m half awake in the dark.
Thank you.
best wishes