I downloaded the CameraMX .apk with raccoon. I have FPOSOS (the current version) installed.
I cannot install CameraMX. Has anyone done this successfully?
How did you try to install? Opening with Amaze?
Do you have unknown sources activated?
(setting --> security --> unknown sources)
Does is give you an error message when trying to install the apk file?
4 posts were split to a new topic: The multiple moves ot the “FPOSOS with CameraMX” thread
Yes, tried it with both settings. It installs and then just the message: “App wurde nicht installiert”. (App not installed). Hmpf.
Maybe the file got corrupted. Do you have a checksum available for testing that? Or maybe you just try to download it again.
Not sure whether this applies to the FP2, but the error used be associated with setting apps to be installed to SD-card by default (probably under settings > apps > menu). If the choice for let the system decide is available, try that instead.
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