FP Leak: New Fairphone will run Android?

You and me can argue endlessly about whose preference is the “best”, because every choice will be forced upon the other. That’s what happened in this topic :smile:

Personally, I think you have to look at the “general consumer”. Try to look at which kind of people you want to sell the FP to. And I am convinced these are not, as a majority, people who are willing to go trough more trouble than there would be with a random phone of an other brand. Since FP sells their phone as “as Fair Trade as possible”, with a focus on mining and production, the first target group iare people wo are concerned about fair trade, mining conditions and workers welfare. Not data privacy.

I am convinced there is a group of consumers that would be very happy with a Google-free phone. But I am also convinced that the FP, in order to reach as many people as possible, should not try to serve this relatively small group of people, if it means offering a worse user experience.
But again, that’s just my opinion. We know now what’s the FP approach, now the specifics of the FP2 are presented.

I would advise to close this topic down. If you want to keep discussing this issue, I would prefer to do it in the already existing topic I already linked to.

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