I don’t know one thing about programming but I am abroad and absolutely need to downgrade the latest upgrade of the operating system as I cannot access any wifi network (which is absolutely unworkable since I’m traveling and need wifi access in certain situations).
Now I have a mac, a data cable (usb-c to micro usb) and developer options enabled on my fp2. I have downloaded the zip file for the previous OS (19/05/3) and the platform tools where there’s a file called fastboot. However there seems to be a missing link somewhere and for the life of me, I can’t figure out where, so if anyone can help me to solve this issue, please react. Here are the details:
When I open the flash-for-mac.command file this is the result:
Last login: Wed Nov 20 12:06:49 on ttys001
/Users/tessaxxxx/Downloads/fp2-gms-19.05.3-manual/flash-for-mac.command ; exit;
tessaxxxx@MacBook-van-Tessa ~ % /Users/tessaxxxx/Downloads/fp2-gms-19.05.3-manual/flash-for-mac.command ; exit;
** Fairphone OS 19.05.3 Manual Flashing Script **
ERROR: The ‘fastboot’ command is not available.
ERROR: Please install the ‘fastboot’ tool from your package manager.
Aborting now (press Enter to terminate).
So naturally I assume this has something to do with the fastboot command, which when I open it gives the following message:
Last login: Wed Nov 20 12:07:18 on ttys002
/Users/tessaxxxx/Downloads/platform-tools/fastboot ; exit;
tessaxxxx@MacBook-van-Tessa ~ % /Users/tessaxxxx/Downloads/platform-tools/fastboot ; exit;
fastboot: usage: no command
[Proces voltooid]
In the guidelines they say to ‘insert’ some kind of command line thing but I can’t figure out where or how to do this…
If anyone with some advanced knowledge on this is available and can help me solve this over skype or some other way of communication, feel free to send me a pm
Thanks and hopefully I can get this shitty thing over with and back on wifi before I completely destroy my fp or just buy a new smartphone
After you installed Homebrew you’ll likely need to install XCode.
[EDIT]Reread your post. The fastboot command you executed above does not work, I don’t know why. Perhaps not in your $PATH variable. The above mentioned solution is easier.[/EDIT]
It seems you extracted the ZIP archive to /Users/tessaxxxx/Downloads/fp2-gms-19.05.3-manual
What files exist in that folder? Is there a sub-folder named bin-darwin and does it contain a file named fastboot?
If not, maybe the ZIP file wasn’t downloaded properly or something went wrong while extracting the archive. In that case I’d try re-downloading and extracting the ZIP again.
Okay so I downloaded it again and now there is a fastboot file there, YEEEY
But next issue props up:
WARNING: No Fairphone 2 found in fastboot mode.
WARNING: Make sure that a Fairphone 2 is connected.
WARNING: To check for devices, type ‘/Users/tessaxxxx/Downloads/fp2-gms-19.05.3-manual 2/bin-darwin/fastboot devices’.
And when I type this thing into a command line it gives the following message:
/Users/tessaxxxx/Downloads/fp2-gms-19.05.3-manual 2/bin-darwin/fastboot devices ; exit;
tessabogers@MacBook-van-Tessa ~ % /Users/tessaxxxx/Downloads/fp2-gms-19.05.3-manual 2/bin-darwin/fastboot devices ; exit;
zsh: permission denied: /Users/tessaxxxx/Downloads/fp2-gms-19.05.3-manual
[Proces voltooid]
Not sure what I’m doing wrong now, the cable I have is definitely a data cable (it’s the only one that worked for my e-reader as well since I had some issues with that too :’)).
extracting a second time created a folder named fp2-gms-19.05.3-manual 2 and I think the space before the “2” is the problem, so you could try again after renaming that folder to fp2-gms-19.05.3-manual2 (without space)
is the FP2 in fastboot mode? When booting while pressing volume down the phone should vibrate a couple of times and have a blinking blue light while the screen just shows that standard “Fairphone - Powered by Android” boot image
Well, if the update process was already started, it would have been too late anyway. And if it went through withouth problems there’s probably no need to do it now