Fairphone's next chapter starts now

Starting from the Fairphone 4.

I would prefer a variety of sizes. Still miss my FP2.
Do not make these things allways bigger. And I do not want a watch as next model.

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Fairphone’s brand identity and brand seemed fine, I actually bought the FairbudsXL partly because of the aesthetic.

What you could focus on is some much-needed firmware improvements and proper triaging of the faulty ANC on the XL, and maybe improving some of your build quality (This whole green aeshetic seems a bit greenwash-y when most of your products are, albeit recycled, plastic).


I love the idea, but I assume it is not feasible because the development in the industry is so fast which means parts became unavailable too fast and technical standards are under constant change.

is it still that fast? going 10 years bak in time, data storage doubled and the size halved in only one year time. same with cameras and so on.

now looking at the most high-tech smartphones.
i did’t not see anything very interesting changing last 4 years. accept of the marketing trying to make a small change look very big.

yes oke IA is going fast now, not something i like to see.

and the connection protocols ar currently onder change, wat effect older phone how can’t connect to the new networks. not sure how much of a improvement it is, at least have more capacity in dense populated areas, wat was needed. outside a big city no difference noticed. remote places, no connection at all, that did change negatively.

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