Fairphone Open 17.06.4 (Android 6.0) release

Well, just to add my experience - quite the same as previously stated.
We have two FP2, both FPOpen and “rooted”, one with XPosed/XPrivacy one without.
When the Updater showed up “new version available” I did not imagine it would be the long awaited upgrade to Android 6 - so I did not take any precautions (backup apps / nandroid-backup).
Both phones were in a boot loop after the OTA-update. Sometimes I managed to enter the PINs, most of the time the phones did not accept any input.
Finally I decided to down- and upgrade the FPOpen as described further up. In Detail:

  • downloaded fp2-sibon-17.04.0-manual-userdebug.zip (Link somewhere up in this forum)
  • downloaded fp2-sibon-17.06.4-ota-userdebug.zip (from https://code.fairphone.com/)
  • unzipped the ...17.04.0...zip
  • started the FP2 in Fastboot-Mode (Power-On + Vol-Down)
  • run the ./flash.sh in the unzipped folder
  • rebooted phone (Android 5.1, stuck in boot-loop, optimizing apps)
  • switched off by pulling out the battery
  • booted into Recovery (Power-On + Vol-Up)
  • in TWRP went to Advanced -> Sideload, on PC did adb sideload ...17.06.04...zip
  • rebooted
  • phone started normal with Android 6.0.1

My system settings were all there (including photos, SMS, contacs, call-log), but all application settings (including data) were gone.
I managed to recover the most important settings from old Titanium Backups and a nandroid-backup (I made after the first upgrade in TWRP).

The recovery of the two phones took me about 10 hrs. :disappointed::angry:

I really appreciate the work the Fairphone-Team is doing, but an major upgrade has to be announced in some way - this one showed up like any other upgrade before.
And on top it seems like the bug was well-known before - this is not professional work. :-1: