On this website, the most used blue color is #2aa8e0, only for the active menu entries I found another color: #12a0df.
Because the Logo on this website is a SVG image, its possible to open it with a text editor. There I found another color: #00a5df. I would take this value.
Okay, i have to say it !
your Widget is AWSOME, i used it for loonnngg years with my first smartphone, i simply loved how much we can personalize the widgets to suit our exact idea ! (and the battery bar in barcode is just super cool !)
How do you do such things? My fairphone will be my first smartphone ever, so I have like zero experience with widgets etc. (I’m just starting to know what widgets are ) How can I learn to personalize mine? It seems pretty cool!
Widgets are basically apps that run directly on your homescreen. Usually it only displays information (for example the weather widget). You can access widgets by long-pressing on the empty space on your homescreen, selecting “widgets” and then place the widget on the homescreen.
The “minimalistic text widget” mentioned above is a Little bit special. You can customize almost everything (the data it Displays, the style in which it is displayed, ist behavior when being clicked…). But of course this comes with a price: it needs a little learning… But it’s worth the time
A single tap on the Fairphone logo opens up this forum.Tapping the date will open the calendar, the clock will open the clock (surprise ) and the battery symbol leads you to the power consumption overview.
I also made some lockscreen Images. The layout of these Images is optimized for the “HiLocker” Lockscreen using the smallest clock widget possible. All Images are taken from the Fairphone Flickr albums and are licensed according to CC BY-NC-SA. - and so are of course my pictures. If you need to rearrange something maybe we find a way how I can provide the original gimp files.