Fairphone Community Café Berlin - 02.09 - 15:00-18:00

Fairphone Community Cafe: walk in, drink something and meet other Fairphone community members.

On Friday 2 September Greenstars - our brand new reseller - will set up a repaircafé in Wattstraße 11, Brunnenviertel at their office. People can bring any type of smartphone they may have to get repaired.

We’d like to set up a community event at the same location to promote peer-to-peer support and learning about the Fairphone. There will a nice big table with drinks on it, a relaxed atmosphere and many other community members.

Here is the call-out to Berliner Fairphoners to join us for a get-together to discuss all things Fairphone and help other community members with any setup, security, fdroid, upgrading, tweaking and PokemonGo questions they might have.

Reply to this post if you want to join or have good ideas on how to make this great!


Kind of a sad irony that I was born and lived in Berlin for 20 years and just a few years back, I moved to Dresden, so now I don’t have the time to move “back to the roots” to visit you that Friday. :sweat_smile:

Would you visit Dresden some day? :heart_eyes:
(Don’t worry, Dresden is not only Pegida and rascism, but a beautiful city with much more positive things. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


What about @drmarkuse (our local Fairphoner in Berlin)? :wink:

@Trust: Why not add yourself to the Local Fairphoners Address Book and start a community in Dresden? :slight_smile: I’m sure there are others who’d rather meet up for a Fairphoners gathering than for Pegida. :wink:


We’ve got an offical invitation now!

(english version below)

Am 02.09.2016 laden Fairphone & Greenstars zum offenen Smartphone-Repair Event ins Ahoy! Berlin ein.

Vor Ort gibt es:

Offenes Repair Café 14:00-18:00 Uhr

Mit unseren Freunden vom Repair Café könnt ihr zusammen eure Smartphones reparieren. Dazu bringt bitte eure benötigten Ersatzteile selbst mit. Gerne könnt ihr auch einfach mit Fragen zu euren defekten Geräten vorbei kommen.

###Fairphone Community Cafe** 15:00-18:00 Uhr

Kommt vorbei und gebt und bekommt Fairphone-Support. Beim peer-to-peer Support lernt ihr alles zum Fairphone. Trinkt einen Kaffee mit uns in entspannter Atmosphäre und tauscht euch mit anderen Community-Mitgliedern aus.

Meet & Greet mit Greenstars 09:00-18:00 Uhr
Lernt unser Greenstars-Team kennen und lasst euch ausgewählte nachhaltige Produkthighlights präsentieren- u.a. das Fairphone 2.

3D Live-Printing 09:00-13:00 Uhr
Unsere Freunde von Dimensionalley sind auch vor Ort und drucken live Schutzhüllen für das Fairphone 1 mit einem 3D-Drucker und beantworten gern eure Fragen.

In Deutschland landen jährlich 5000 Tonnen Elektroschrott durch Smartphones auf dem Müll- das wollen wir ändern. Wir glauben an Technik die länger hält! Deshalb möchten wir uns mit euch einen ganzen Tag lang dem Thema: Reparieren widmen.

Komm vorbei, repariere dein Smartphone & lern Greenstars & Fairphone kennen!

Lang Lebe Technik!


Greenstars and Fairphone are inviting you on 2 September to an open Smartphone-Repair Event in Berlin, at Ahoy!

We’ll be hosting:

Open Repair Café 14:00-18:00

Our friends from the Repair Café will be there and help you fix your phones- whether it’s a Fairphone or not. At the repair cafe you will need to bring all the necessary tools/spareparts/ modules to fix your device. And the local repair cafe can help you make it happen.

Fairphone Community Cafe 15:00-18:00

Come to get and give Fairphone support! We’ll create peer-to-peer
support and learning about the Fairphone. Join us for a coffee, a chat
about Fairphone, a relaxed atmosphere and meet other community members.

Meet & Greet Greenstars 09:00-18:00
Meet our Greenstars Team and have a look at some of the sustainable electronic highlights- e.g. the Fairphone 2.

3D Live-Printing 09:00-13:00
Our friends from Dimensionalley will have their 3D-Printer on site and will print cases for the Fairphone 1.

Every year there are 5000 tonnes of E-waste produced in germany- just from Smartphones. We want to change that. We believe in electronics that are built to last. That´s why we want to spend a whole day on repairing and getting to know sustainable electronics.

Come by, repair your phone and meet Greenstars, Fairphone and our community!


Hi there,

I am a fan from Taiwan and happen to visit Berlin during that time period, would like to join this event very much.
Is it okay for someone not a Fairpone owner to join?


Hey @CHIH_AN_Lee, but of course! What a nice coincidence. Looking forward to meet :slight_smile:


Note that Fairphone will not just be in Berlin on friday, but a couple of days more to present the Fairphone at Berlin’s IFA 2016 :slight_smile:



“Ich bin ein Fairphoner!”



Hallo zusammen, wie war denn das Event? Sind Nachfolgetermine geplant? Dann würde ich auch mal dazu stoßen wollen…

Gruß von Markus

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