🇩🇪 🇬🇧 Fairphone Community Aachen :community_round:

I think we can claim that Aachen Fairphoners’ 4th meeting was quite a success, totalling a completely unexpected 13 attendants – 6 of these not Fairphone owners (yet) and all curious about the FP2. The CFP2 proved the perfect fit for that set, allowing the newbies to get the best possible first hand experience. At the same time, our group of experienced FP2 owners was able to answer all questions and also generously helped me out time and again when I kept failing to enumerate the complete set of all fairtraded conflict minerals in the FP2 :wink:

All those attending who did not own a Fairphone clearly confirmed that it was the newspaper announcement (see above) that made them aware of the meeting and turn up. Let me specify that unlike before our previous three meetings, the announcement had appeared in the paper relatively long in advance (14 October 2016); our previous meetings had seen the announcement published just 1-2 days in advance.

The meeting only completely dissolved after almost three hours, with the first participants having arrived even before the host :innocent:

To be continued!

:gb: To get in touch with Aachen Fairphoners, feel free to message me here.
:de: Wer Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen möchte, kann sich hier bei mir melden.