Fairphone and personal data to liberate women in LMICs

I am interested in empowering citizens to take control of (copies) of their personal data (mobile + social network + clinical data …). Making these data accessible in data commons that are controlled by citizen-owned data cooperative these data will generate value for the individual and society. After reading The Double X Economy by Linda Scott and Two Girls by Linda Faleiro I realize that teenage girls in LMICs already have or want cell phones. Fair phones in which personal data are stored under their control could empower women and allow them to connect around the same problems. Fairphones equipped with women-empowering Apps (secure social networks, medical information etc) could be a game changer. I am a co-founder of MIDATA.coop, a Swiss data cooperative and Haplomind.com, a start-up offering mobile solutions for women with perinatal depression (affecting 20% of women worldwide) . We have collaborations with India, Canada and New Zealand. I am very interested in the view of the Fairphone community on this topic.

Welcome to this community, @Aschi. Sounds interesting, but I wonder how

goes together with

containing Google Analytics tracking which is at least for me somehow a contradiction, especially on a very sensitive topic like perinatal depressions.


Thank you @Snafu for your response and for pointing out the Google Analytics services on the haplomind website. Just to make it clear, the website is a placeholder for the an early stage of the project. It is not the App on the phone where sensitive data will be stored. The response we received from women, associations and governments is overwhelming. It just shows that there is a real need. Combining such secure services including social networking and women’s health information of dedicated phones (Fairphone) would be a novel way to empower women in LMICs. Of course I am fully aware that this is a long shot.

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