Fairphone 5 - unable to access the Internet abroad

I have just arrived in Spain (first time abroad since purchasing a Fairphone 5). Despite data roaming being switched on, I am unable to access the Internet. I have a signal (Vodafone ES) and my husband who is with the same network provider can access it ok. Is this a Fair phone issue? If so - deeply regretting the purchase. Any advice gratefully received

Welcome to the Fairphone community.

What is your provider? Did you check settings and your data plan?

Mine worked fine with a German SIM card in Spain.

Have a look at this FP4 topics

Yes - called Lebara and all ok from their point of view.

Not sure I would know what to do with changing those settings but APN editing appears to be disabled anyway.

You could just add a new one instead of changing the existing, and you can still see what is set in this field mentioned in the other topic

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Hi, I was just having the same issues in Copenhagen and I went into settings, searched “Roaming”, selected “Choose network” and chose another different local network and my data works now! I hope that solves your problem in future!


hi all, this is my first post. I have an FP5 and it is my first fairphone. I am based in the UK. When I travelled to New York I could not get any roaming at all. I checked settings and tried to input new APN settings based on what I had found from internet searches. It did not change anything and I still couldn’t roam. I am now in Denmark and the same thing is happening.

I am on Vodafone, through Lebara. I have searched Vodafone settings online but I am not sure I have got the right information. Should I use Lebara settings instead?

Occasionally in the UK, I also cannot roam and I don’t understand as I seem to have good signal. Then it comes back.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Hi and welcome, I guess Lebara should know? Did you ask them?

Sometimes it helpwd to change IP roaming setting in the APN to only IPv4

Thank you!
I tried the IPv4 thing first but unfortunately that didn’t work.
I’ll try a general enquiry to Lebara, and see what happens.

I moved your topic over here, as you are not the first one having issues abroad with a Lebara SIM so also see above

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Thank you so much!

I had tried choosing a different network when I had this issue in the US, and it had not worked, so I was not expecting much, but here in Denmark I have switched networks and I am now able to roam!

Also thank you for navigating me here, I was anxious that I would post in the wrong place!

All the best

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