Fairphone 5 on A14 - GPS measured speed updates too fast and jitters

Hello. I’m not sure if this is the correct place to put this, but I recently updated my FP5 to Android 14. I noticed however when I turned on my navigation (Waze) that the GPS speed updates very quickly and jitters a lot. This was not the case before the update. It seems to me that they probably forgot to add some averaging on the signal or something?
GPS update speed(2)


I can confirm this behavior with Osmand without Android Auto, so it’s definitely the underlying GPS. You’ll have to report this to the support to make them aware of this issue. I’d refer to this thread to show that this is a common issue and not only with your phone.


I normally use GMaps so I dont know how it was with A13, however can reproduce with A14 and using OrganicMaps and not with GMaps, so somehow a third party App issue. Google location accuracy on or off doesnt make a differnence

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I’ve got the same trouble with Waze.
I’ll check with Geovelo and Gmaps during the following days.

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Noticed the same with Waze this morning

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I have the same issue since upgrade to Android 14. It happens with all apps which use GPS (I use OsmAnd+, G.Maps, Navionics, and for testing purposes GPS Test).

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I have reported it to the support three days ago. If you consider this important to you I encourage you to do the same. In this thread no one claims that it is working fine for her/him, so we can safely assume a general bug here.

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Thank you for all the replies, seems I’m not the only one. I have also reported this to support but haven’t heard anything yet.


I don’t have this issue in Geovelo.
Maybe it’s speed relative. I don’t go faster thant 30km/h on my bike.

Well, I bike, walk or sail, so not often faster than 30km/h :slight_smile:

I open Osmand, go to the window, get GPS reception and then the speed number starts flickering. It’s not a question of speed.


Maybe Geovelo doesn’t update the speed as fast as the GPS delivers it.
And that’s why I have no display problem.

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I confirm that Geovole doesn’t update speed as fast as Waze (and other GPS apps).
When I stop, it takes around 2 seconds to go to 0 km/h. :sweat_smile:

How have you reported this bug ?

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I got a reply today with the usual procedure: GPS hardware check, test specific apps, test safe mode and report back. Of course I know that the GPS is working fine in general and since everyone here has confirmed that it’s the same for them I think we can safely assume it’s a general issue. I reported that back and referred to this thread again.


count me in, just noticed i have the same isu using OSMAnd, waze and google maps.

impossible toe see my speed. jumping around almost faster than i can see the numbers.

I too found this bug and fortunately this thread.

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i did get a answer from Fairphone support as well.

@Martin_Anderseck think its simulator to what you received?

i will reply in the same way.

Yes, that’s the standard procedure and for many issues I think it’s a good approach. You may follow some of those steps to learn to know your phone a bit better still if you want, but it won’t change anything about this issue. Replying back in a friendly way is the way to go :+1:


Ik bevestig hetzelfde probleem bij WAZE, maar niet bij GoogleMaps

Englisch please, I dont understand, or open a topic in your local language. Thanks