Fairphone 5 call record by skvalex

Hi everyone,

To anyone with a fairphone 5 because I only have the 4. Does this app work with 2 way recording? I know it works for the fairphone 4 with lineage very well. Planning to buy a second fairphone but this is a deal breaker for me. Hoping someone can confirm that call recording from both parties work with the FP5.


Is your device rooted or did you get it working without root permissions on the FP4?

Hi and welcome to the community,

just note till now there is only 1 test device availavle for the German community, no FP5s have been shipped to any end user so far.

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Rooted but seems to work with lineage stock recorder. I just use skvalex call recorder to organize and transfer to external SD card.

Would you be so kind as to direct me to Where and who has the device currently?.

It’s currently on its way from Aachen to Hamburg for the community meetup there. After that it’ll go to Munich. But regular devices will start shipping tomorrow, so there should be a lot more soon.


I have waited for a few months since my last post. I’m sure people have the fp5. I hope someone can try my above request on the call recording app working on the fp5 like it does on the fp4 kind of a deal breaker for me :slight_smile:


Can someone with root and with the app mentioned tell me if call recording work with both parties just like it does on the fairphone 4?

I’m interested in the same. I would rather avoid root, if possible.

i will check this tomorrow.

edit: nope, only my voice can he hard normaly. if i use speakers i can hear the other in the record too

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If it is anything like the pixel phones you will need to use speaker mode to hear who you are calling clearly.

Thank you. I am looking forward to your findings email me for us to test this further because I believe sharing shareware apps to be some sort of violation and would not like you to have to pay at your expense …results will be posted here.

Edit moderator: removed the e-mailaddress for security reasons. You can use a PM instead.

There’s also this free software project: GitHub - chenxiaolong/BCR: A Basic Call Recorder for rooted Android devices

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Last I checked it was not optimized for android 12and it froze alot on my former phone so I focused on more projects that are actively updating their software more frequently. Skvalex has proven to be that software.

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