Fairphone 5 battery connector pinout


I try to figure out pinout of the Faiphone 5’s battery and I can’t understand the schematic below:

P2201 on the left is the physical connector and things on the right are circuits on board inside the phone, right?

From the top:
VCC battery (the battery is internally splitted to two cells?)
VCC battery (the battery is internally splitted to two cells?)
NFC antenna pin 1
NFC antenna pin 2
Tempature of battery (themistor to GND)
GND battery (the battery is internally splitted to two cells?)
GND battery (the battery is internally splitted to two cells?)

Okay, now to the question, how the BATT_ID (BSI) can works in that schmeticq? I mean BSIs are for batteries to tell with resistor its model, but on that schematic BSI/BATT_ID is part of circuits inside the phone and not the battery. What is the point of it then?


I would rather send this question to Fairphone support, as user we can only guess I guess.

I think there can be someone that know how to read schematic. I’m bad in that.

The top two pins are ground and the bottom two are vcc

Are going to make a separate charger for the battery?

kind regards,