I know it is maybe early but are there any plans for support of Ubuntu Touch for Fairphone 5 ?
I also what to know the same thing. And can I also run the same programs as on a raspberry pi with ubuntu touch?
I guess this is the wrong place to ask, as this is a user forum for Faitphone.
Please check https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io instead for any news about supported devices.
As FP2, FP3 or FP4 are or were supported, I have some hope that the FP5 will be in the future too, but who knows?
As Marius always says: “if your device is not in the list you can port it yourself”
Otherwise, FP5 was already mentioned in the Q&A so there is good hope that it will be supported in the future
In Q&A there were talking about purchasing Firphone 5 with Ubuntu Touch. I’m curious more in installing Ubuntu Touch at some point in the future. So if there is any information/links how to track progress in that direction it would be appreciated.
If not on the site of Ubuntu Touch, where else would you like to track?
You can track the UBports forum, too
From Q&A 125:
Fairphone 5
V64rd wondered whether there will be support for Fairphone 5? Marius is getting one soon, so the answer is probably yes. The workings share a lot with earlier Fairphone models so we should have a head start.
thank you for sharing this! and this is a great news looking forward to my FP5 on eventually UT
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Some news about FP5 in the Q&A 138.
Even if there is not yet any public release, Marius is using his FP5 to develop 5G and VoLTE on Ubuntu Touch
See also his post.
A beta image of Ubuntu Touch for FP5 just get added to the UBPorts installer
- all functions are not yet working (e.g. see this list of working/not working features from a regular user)
- you need to flash the Android 13 stock image before installing UT.
glad to see that things are moving forward !!
Any updates to this? I’d love to help test once 5G and Waydroid are in a somewhat-working state.
I try to make a summary from the “UT on FP5” Telegram group:
A device page is on its way, but hasn’t been published yet.