Fairphone 4 + (plus) release


my Galaxy S7 comes to its end. However the specs of the fairphone 4 are a bit low. My new phone should be at least 15% better than my current. I did not yet compare them exactly. the best case for me would be to buy the fairphone 4 + /plus as soon as it comes out. when can I expect the fairphone 4 + (plus) ? If soon, where can I preorder, or is this not necessary?


Welcome to the Forum. Just note, its a user forum, so we cant answer any of your questions and even if it might come a 4+ (and I would actually hope that not, because I think FP would better concentrate on software improvement) the core module specs will not change.

You can #contactsupport , however I doubt Fairphone would reveal such information in advance


So what specs are you looking at for the ‘bit’ low?

As mentioned an FP4+ wouldn’t really be any different in any of the above.

In the FP3+ there was slight increase in audio output and higher res cameras, but it didn’t make much of a difference.


No hint that anything will come or not; just my 5 cents: if it comes it could be end of September :wink:

  • launch of FP3 : 27 August 2019
  • launch of FP3+ : 27 August 2020 (1 year later)
  • launch of FP4 : 30 September 2021

And it was possible to easily upgrade from FP3 to FP3+ by buying the upgraded modules; so it should be also possible from FP4 to “hypothetical FP4+” :angel:

The point is, the camera software still needs improvement and new cam hardware will not help to improve picture quality, so better improve Software than producing new Hardware which is causing unnessary electronic waste as people will upgrade just because there is an upgrade.and I guess no other module will bring any upgrade benefit?


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