Fairphone 4 Bootloader doesn't communicate anymore with PC


I bought myself at a discounted price a brand new Fairphone 4 and I really really wanted to try the e/OS on it. The only reason that I bought F4 is that, it was my assumption that it is relative easy to install Murena’s e/os.

It is my first time working with bootloader or unlocked OEM phones. I followed the following step:

  • got access to developer options and on web I generated a code from fairphone official website to unlock OEM
  • using Easy Installer on Linux I started the process of installing e/OS
  1. OEM unlocking from developer Options

  2. Turning off Phone

  3. Started bootloader - pressing “Volume Down” and connecting USB-C cable

  4. Unlock OEM - during this process it asked to to chose between unlock and lock bootloader, navigating between this two options and choosing with Power button

  5. Unlock Critical at some point a circle appeared and under it said “erasing” but after 4 seconds it restarted in bootloader.

  6. Installation status went to 100% ( while the phone displayed the bootloader screen ) then it gave an error.

  7. Installation was taking to much and at some point it crashed


I installed adb and fastboot on Linux and while in bootloader I am getting this following message:

On windows however I tried with the phone turned on and I can communicate but in bootloader it says the following message: waiting for any device

Did I bricked the bootloader? If I relock bootloader will the stock OS from Fairphone get updates?

Best regards,

Waiting for any device often is a hint that you dont have the bootloader driver needed on your window PC.

Have a look here

That seem somehow odd, was this using the easy installer?

What did you select? From the wording I think it should have been unlock to then proceed with unlocking (unlocking critical isnt unlocking the bootloader)

I followed the steps provided in the Easy Installer. This is the message that I have in the terminal.


My question is: If I use the command ‘fastboot flashing lock’ to lock the bootloader is there a chance to brick the phone. I am giving up installing e/OS. I have no experience with this and easy installer is not that easy. After it said that e/OS installation was 100% it gave me this error.


and I am afraid to use the command ‘fastboot flashing lock’ becasue I do not know if there were created new partitions…

As long as get unlock ability is 1 it should normally not brick the phone. Should it not work afterwards, you can unlock again and need to troubleshoot…

Sorry. I do not understand. Do you mean that if I lock it, then I cannot unlock it anymore if I need to do some troubleshooting?

I have some additional questions:

  • if I lock it, does the warning message at the start disappear?
  • currently I still have the OS that came with the phone. If Fairphone release new updates will my OS get them with boot-loader unlocked?
  • if the boot-loader remains unlocked and if I have banking apps like Revolut, are there more vulnerabilities compared to locked one?
  • I understand that if someone steal my phone, then security measures like PIN and fingerprints are just a piss in a breeze.

Ultimately, do you have a guide for installing e/os through fastboot and adb?

Thank you in advance!

e/OS has official alternatives to install.

Please just ensure that the security patch level is the same or higher than the current installed, else when you then lock the phone a brick is quite sure

Which message the one about unlocked bootloader? Then yes


No. As long as get unlock abilitiy is 1 when you lock it you can unlock it again to troubleshoot. So def check once again before you lock! Should it be 0 dont lock!

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My ambiguity is that i read this topic:

and although the user that posted the question while using fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability it returned 1, he said that he got corruption problem.

Because for me, the Easy Installer gave me an error Flashing of one partition failed at Installing e/OS, I am not sure if Easy Installer created some partition and I am not sure if I try to re-lock the boot-loader again will not give me some errors.
