Fairphone 3+ suddenly unresponsive

I have a FP3+ that is just over 2 years old, so past the warranty. It also had a bit of water damage a while ago, but seemed fine after I let it dry. One morning recently, the phone was working, then it suddenly turned off and won’t charge or anything. It is totally unresponsive. I have tried all the resets, tried a charged battery, and even replaced the bottom component but nothing.

Am I able to take this to someone local to me in London, UK, to try and fix it? or would it be best to send it back to Fairphone for a paid fix?


Hi Aislinn,

By the way you explain events, it sounds pretty grim to me. If your motherboard has died, then I’d ask myself (if it were mine) is it worth paying Cordon €222 for a motherboard + €34.80 for assessment + €18.17 delivery + whatever it costs to send it to France from the UK in the first place. The FP3+ is nearing its end of life if you use the fingerprint sensor for banking. If you don’t need the sensor and can afford it, its your call.

FP3 repair charges

Before giving up, I would disassemble the phone and look for corrosion and lookup tips to clean, but without any expectation of a positive result.

Sorry to be a miserable git.


Thank you for your response to another FP friend. My FP 3+ doesnot start. It charges OK. The green light works when charging, but when I try to start it up, the FP makes a bzzz sound and the display shows a kind of light blue and red colours carpet. It is impossible to log in. I tried to remove the battery for a while and then to restart it. This helped the first time this happened, some days ago, but it doesn´t help today. Perhaps it is a softwear problem and too many apps? I tried to access it through my computer, but my FP is sleeping… Hopefully not dead?

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