Fairphone 3 official screen protectors

Some basic information can be found on the homepage of 3M:


And here is some info by them on visual hacking:

The way it actually works is not explained though.

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thank you I’ll take a look around a bit more.

Their site suggests micro-louvres is the technique used, which blocks the 60 degrees from horizontal.

Hi! I’m new here, so I’m not sure if to make a new thread or just reply to an existing one. I bought FP 3+ and the screen protector with blue light filter.

I followed all the instructions, but still got some air bubbles near the corners that just would not disappear. I pulled the protector partly off and used the dust removal sticker once more on those problematic areas. All of the bubbles disappeared after that, except for one at the top right corner (top left in the photo). I can make almost all of this disappear by rubbing the screen protector, but within just a few minutes it returns to what you see on the photo. An area of about 1 × 5 cm that will not stick onto the phone, that stretches from between the camera and charge light, all the way to the right side (left on the photo).

I would like to ask, is there a way to fix this, or have I ruined it for good?

Have you ever checked if your device is slightly “bent”?

Sorry for a super late reply. No, my phone isn’t bent. But I wonder if the screen protector got bent because I had to adjust it so many times, trying to place it correctly on the screen and getting bubbles out.

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