🇫🇷 🇬🇧 Fairphone 3 / murena : problème audio pendant les appels / earpiece problem during calls


j’utilise un fairphone 3+ sous OS Murena (anciennement /e OS ).

De manière ponctuelle, quand je suis au téléphone, je n’entends pas mon correspondant par l’écouteur d’oreille. Je suis obligé de mettre le haut-parleur pour entendre.

C’est très fréquent mais pas systématique. Je n’ai pas pu déterminer de conditions spécifiques qui provoquerai le problème (wifi, appel reçu ou appel émis).

J’ai cherché sur le support fixit fairphone ici https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001041206

Suivant les instruction, j’ai vérifié la mise à jour du téléphone et les appels wifi sont désactivés (ils l’étaient déjà).

Je bloque au niveau “perform a service test”

Dial ##66## in the same way you enter a phone number to make a phone call. Once the last character is introduced, the Service Menu appears (be patient, this can take a few seconds).
Select Service tests → Test Single.

Aucun menu ne s’ouvre malgré plusieurs essais. Je suppose que c’est du à mon OS Murena.

Quelqu’un a-t-il déjà eu le même problème ?

D’avance, merci de vos réponses.


I am using a Fairphone 3+ running Murena OS (formerly /e OS).

Occasionally, when I am on a call, I cannot hear my caller through the earpiece. I have to switch to the loudspeaker to hear them.

This issue happens frequently but not consistently. I haven’t been able to identify specific conditions that trigger the problem (Wi-Fi, incoming or outgoing calls for example).

I’ve looked for solutions on the Fairphone fixit support page here https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001041206

Following the instructions, I checked for phone updates, and Wi-Fi calling is disabled (it was already disabled).

I am stuck at the “perform a service test” step:

“Dial ##66## in the same way you enter a phone number to make a phone call. Once the last character is introduced, the Service Menu appears (be patient, this can take a few seconds).
Select Service tests → Test Single.”

No menu appears despite multiple attempts. I suspect it may be due to my Murena OS.

Has anyone else experienced the same issue?

Thank you in advance for your responses.

Et si quelqu’un peut avoir la bonté de me dire comment afficher les drapeaux dans le titre, je lui en saurais gré également.

And if someone could kindly tell me how to display the flags in the title, I would also appreciate it.

You can type the flags as codes, here it would be :fr: and :uk:

You can also choose a “tag” for your topic, you will probably find the German flag in the suggested tags first and then just need to scroll down to find the others. If you have added the flag tags, you can also just copy them into the title.

And you are right, * # * # 6 6 # * # * does not work in /e/OS, only in Fairphone OS. You can install the old “Checkup” (or “Fairphone Checkup”) app from the App Lounge or from F-Droid. Checkup has only a few tests though, not as many as the Service tests in Fairphone OS.

P.S.: Welcome to the Fairphone Community Forum :+1:


Thank you @urs_lesse

I was able to perform the test thanks to your advice. However, the issue still persists.

Unfortunately, I have exhausted all the solutions on the “Find & fix an issue yourself” section, so I will be sending an email. I would like to purchase this spare part, but it seems it’s not available on the e-shop.

Have a good evening!

The earpiece should be in the top module. There are two versions, the original version and the updated (with a higher resolution selfie camera) version. The updated version seems still available in Fairphone’s online shop.

It would indeed make sense.

I will order the part and will note it here for those who might encounter the problem in the future