Fairphone 3 Microphone software issue


unfortunately my microphone seems to have a software error, maybe someone here can help me fix the problem

I can make calls without any problems, from the phone and from whatsapp.
with WhatsApp I can only send a voice message if I have not yet locked my cell phone since the last call
With Telegram and sound recording, the microphone has not worked on any attempt so far

When recording videos, it usually looks as if it is filming, but the time display remains at 00:00. In rare cases, the video starts and does not record any sound and very rarely does the recording of a video work as it should. With the camera, I have not yet been able to recognize a pattern as to whether the microphone works or not

Welcome to the Fairphone community.

Standard questions: Which software is running on your FP3? Do you happen to use a SD card, if yes as internal or portable?

Android Version 13 (last update was june 5)
no i donā€™t use a sd card

Then please call the test menu and check whether all microphones are working.

Open the telephone app and type

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this number dosenā€™t work

That means what exactly?

You have to type that sequence ( *#*#66#*#*) in the dialer app of your Fairphone 3. Then, it will appear on your screen the ā€œService Menuā€, where you can perform different service tests, like ā€œMicrophoneā€ test.

I donā€™t know where to write it in the dailer app, but I found a test menu there, my microphone didnā€™t work during the tests there

With the keypad, like dialing a number.

Which one?

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Here you have a video of how to access the tests through the FP3 phone dialer and how I test microphone 1 (the lower one) and microphone 2 (the upper one, next to the jack connector) of my phone (note that the video I have recorded has NO sound). When I finish testing the two microphones and press the ā€˜backā€™ button, I must choose whether or not it has passed the test (in my case, I marked yes because it has passed).

In this test, as indicated on the screen, first microphone 1 records the sound for a few seconds (you can speak or tap on the microphone to generate sound) and then immediately plays back the recorded sound to check that the microphone has worked properly. Afterwards, it asks you to do the same test with microphone 2.

If you can hear what is recorded, then both microphones have passed the test and in theory they are working correctly, so the problem may be elsewhere (specific applications, permissionsā€¦). If you donā€™t hear anything, it has not passed this test.


many thanks for your support

after I have now thrown down the dialer app and then reinstalled it, it can also be used

The microphone worked in both tests

I have recorded some videos in the meantime, where the sound itself was running but with unpleasant interruptions, WhatsApp voice messages are also currently working, which can also be seen from the rashes, these are currently present. Before it looked like the attached screenshotā€¦

Since the whole thing has been running, however, there is a noise in the speaker, which seems to be caused when I hold the device in my hand so that my finger touches the charging port. The speaker does not have to be in use for this to happen

Iā€™m glad you found the marker application (I think this is the default one on the FP3) and that you were able to run the tests. Iā€™m also happy that the test results are positive and that everything seems to be working more or less fine now (except for that noise in the speaker, which I donā€™t know where it could be coming from).

If you have problems again, and given that the hardware seems to be fine (it passes the tests), maybe a Factory Reset could help. But, VERY IMPORTANT, be sure to have or make a backup copy of everything you want to keep, as this will erase all your data. You have the steps to follow to see how to do it in the Fairphone support page:

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