Fairphone 3 just died over night

If somebody else’s battery didn’t made your phone working, then it’s your phone that is faulty.
Did you try to charge your battery in somebody else’s phone?

Do you have a google account on your phone?
If so, then it’s possible that your pictures were backed up in your google account.

This advice has just revived my FP2 which has been dead since January. Thank you! I have since bought an FP3 and left the old one on my shelf.

Why haven’t I tried „this“ before? Because it never occurred to me to use the procedure under the heading FP1, since there is a different procedure described for the FP2.

Connecting the phone to the charger without battery first is what did the trick for me.

So, while I’m glad the old phone is now working again and I could salvage the remainder of my data that I hadn’t yet restored:

The #dic:kickstart should definitely be updated!

It’s a Wiki.
Feel free to add your information or rearrange the whole post to make it better.

Thanks, I hadn’t noticed. I have now amended that article. I realize that there are about 3746 (rough estimate) explanations on what to do with a drained battery. Someone with a better overview over the community, forum and wiki than me might want to take a look at this and try to reconcile or fully cross-link them, but by now, this is very off-topic for this thread.

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A defective Power Mangament IC on the mainboard might be the cause.

In this post a repair is explained: Fairphone 3+ is dead, will not turn on - #7 by sarofel