Fairphone 3 boot but stuck after entering pattern, saying "memory almost full"

Hi, FP3 boot but after I enter the pattern black screen for 1 seconds and back asking for pattern. I see a notification “memory almost full”. I can not free space as I can’t log to the device. Wiping the device is not an option, I want to keep my data. I can access recovery mode but there is no option to wipe cache.

Welcome to the Community Forum.

If you are lucky, Safe Mode allows you to clear storage space. I would recommend to always keep like 20 % of (internal) storage free.


Thank urs_lesse, unfortunatly that doesn’t work. I see “safe mode” at the bottom corner right but after I enter the pattern it’s the same, 1 second black screen and back asking for pattern :frowning:
adding recovery mode if it can help

I think you are stuck the same way as described here

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Hello Yvonne

Indeed, this is exactly the same problem but there is no solution. Can you escalate it to your support & development team ?


None of us here has privileged back door access into Fairphone, we are all just users.

You can contact Support here: https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us


Thanks but this is what I did. I opened a request from the support page entering all required filed IMEI, carrrier, date of purchase… Where was this sent ?

You should usually receive an automatic email reply that confirms your Support request (including a ticket number). You can also contact Support via “Live Chat” (at the same link), but only tomorrow 10-13 h Amsterdam time.


Thanks. I’ve contact the support by chat today. They will escalate it.

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Uh, looks like I was happy some days ago.
The FP3 also was bevhaing stange: black screens, apps crashing, … Sometimes the “storage space low”-message appeared and I managed to delete some files. After that, a reboot went through and then I was able to delete generously (for example some update-packages left after OTA).
(The FP3 runs on “Iodé”.)

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