I’ve installed DivestOS on FP3. In Fastboot Mode SECURE BOOT is disabled. I can lock the DEVICE STATE but no ID is shown while booting. Where can I enable the “Verified Boot” to see the hash? Or was something wrong while flashing? It was only running up to 94%.
Can somebody help me with this?
Secure boot is unrelated to verified boot and can only be controlled by the vendor.
Fairphone wrongly did not enable secure boot on the FP2 and FP3.
Verified boot does work on FP3 as long as the operating system supports it. Only DivestOS, CalyxOS, and iodeOS support it properly, other use insecure test-keys.
Thanks for answering. Thats what I did. I relocked the device but I still can’t see the hash-ID. Still showes “ID:”.
On both devices I did… I don’t know. I reflashed the avb_coustom_key file, but still the same.
Now I startet the system, took the phone to WLAN went to the updates. Last update was shown. 11. November 2024. But I installed this image…
I installed the update, restartet the phone and it still comes up with this update i the update list…
Now I try the installation for the second time.
Exactly the same. Still comes up with this installable update.
yes, DivestOS supports verified boot on the FP3
but Fairphone did not correctly configure the bootloader to 100% support it, because they wrongly used test-keys in their production build.
First of all, it’s great to hear that “everything works fine” with DivestOS on your FP3.
Regarding “Verified Boot”, it is actually working as intended. The yellow warning screen you’re seeing is the expected behavior when using a locked bootloader with custom signing. So this is normal.
The point about the FP3 bootloader using different keys is correct. However, this is inherent to the design and cannot be changed on our side at this time.