Fairphone 2 Ubuntu Touch

Thanks for you replies.

I did what you said. First I was having the same problem then I finally (finally!) thought maybe I should retry the whole procedure in root mode (starting ubport in root terminal) and it finally worked! Thanks for your help really.

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Hi everyone,

As much as I love Ubuntu Touch on my Fp2, I have way too many issues to be able to appreciate it without getting frustrated and use it as my primary device.

I wrote on the UBports forum about my issues but got no answers. Maybe other Fp2 users got the same problems as me and could help me out. :slight_smile:

Critical issues:

  • Phone is really hot on the top part of the back. When running or even just while charging.

  • My battery goes from fully charged to dead in 2-3 hours. (Maybe related to the fact that it is heating?)

Secondary issues:

  • I canā€™t download things from the browser, it always say (Network error 301 protocol blob)

  • Camera app not working, the display stay black (it is the older fp2 camera module).

  • Gallery app not working, the display stay white with the charging wheel turning forever. I tried uninstalling both apps and redownloading but it is the same.

I am a beginner/basic user so maybe thereā€™s some things I am not doing right. Anyways, thanks for your time and help!

Channel: Stable

Well, I had the problem that I couldnā€™t finish my registration in the Ubports forum as the confirmation never arrived to either of my main email addresses. :wink:
Finally got around that by using a thirdā€¦

In the meantime, first answers arrived in the Ubports forum, so itā€™s probably best to continue there?

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See here: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/839/lots-of-issues-on-my-fp2-ota3-help-plz/4

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thanks, Iā€™ll continue overthere!

I read it will be possible to use Android Apps in UBPorts in near future. Is there a timeline for this? Or is Anbox already running on UBPorts for FP2?


Running Anbox will only be possible when 16.04 will be released. At this time there is no release date, and Anbox doesnā€™t run on Ubports 15.04. You can check the milestone progress here : https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/milestones.

If you wish, you can try 16.04 with the Ubports-installer, but expect (a lot of) bugs !

Cheers :slight_smile:

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I actually didnā€™t check anbox when I had 16.04 installed for a couple of days. My impression was that not much works at the moment and in the Ubports welcome room at Telegram someone told me to wait at least a month before using 16.04 on the FP2.
What I tried can be found here: UBPorts 16.04 updates + feature tests

The next OTA update for 16.04 doesnā€™t have a due date yet: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/milestone/7

But I canā€™t say if that version is supposed to already support anbox.

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@anon59030904 and @Ingo Thank you very much, so I have to wait a little bit.

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