April 30, 2023, 9:31am
Da es weder Display, noch Kontakte sind hört es sich nach Coremodule an. Damit wird man es vermutlich nicht mehr zum Laufen bringen.
Wenn du abenteuerlustig bist, dann kannst du noch die “Backmethode” versuchen…:
Disclaimer added by moderator:
This post contains instructions that will void your warranty and might be futile as the same issue can have it’s cause in a defective screen instead of the core module.
edit: so just after a couple of weeks it began again with the coloured pixels all over the screen, so the paper-trick is just to retards the problem… until now i have no idea. I’ll maybe check the oven, like ElKrasso proposed.
Hey guys!
I hope I found a solution for this prob…
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