Fairphone 2, camera does not open

Good evening, unfortunately, the camera of my Fairphone2 does not open any more. Tried everything incl. update and empty cache (“Kamera wird wiederholt beendet”, App Informationen, App schließen). Any ideas?
I am located in the South of Germany near Switzerland.

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Did you try cleaning the contacts of the camera module? Or do you possibly even have the possibility to change it with a working module of someone else?
It might be a problem with the module.

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Thanks to you John, very kind and lots of options I will try out.
I have read that somebody in the community suggested using “open camera” instead. I installed this app this morning and it works very well, so whilst I will try to “repare” the camera, I am not left without the camera option.
Good suggestion as well and very self-explanatory, the open camera.
All the best,

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