Fairphone 1 Community Reviews

:information_source: We decided to - from now on - keep good and bad reviews of the FP1 in one place and not scattered all over the forum.
This is about the product, not the company, not the forum, not the community and not the movement.
You can simply vote below or also write a review below.
People can “like” helpful/accurate reviews and once a review got a certain number of likes it will be directly linked in this post.

##How would you rate your experience with the FP1?

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

0 = miserable
1 = bad
2 = okay
3 = good
4 = great
5 = perfect

FP1 - I wanted it for the good cause and the dual SIM. Well, spare parts and OS-upgrades was a huge deal too. It is (still using it) my first smartphone. The day did come though when I had to put my “work” SIM in a second “work” phone because of software compatibility, security and power. But my personal SIM is still in the FP1 and it still do everything I need - though a bit slower.

My FP1 has been with me on adventures - its been humid, warm and cold conditions and the phone has sometimes complained about it. Because of this it has marks here and there - but its mostly charming. The white plastic frame kan take serious beating.

The FP1 I use now is not the original I bought, the first one was soon showing it self to be totally messed up but the company replaced it very quickly. I have also had to replace my battery once and I love the fact that it has replacement parts and planned security updates.

Comparing it with a new phone i only miss computing power, and I am a bit annoyed that I found no software to manually control the camera. I hope the app compatibility will stay strong for time to come. I wish I could also control things so increase battery time.


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