Since the memes distracted us a bit, there hasn’t been a report on the last few days of #efct18. I’ll recap them now.
Friday ended with the traditional borrel at the Fairphone office, where we celebrated the 2.5 million and had drinks, pizza and games. We started Saturday with a nice (hangover!? ) Turkish brunch and then visited Amsterdam’s Royal Palace. In the evening @Friek enslaved…uhm…employed us as her sous-chefs and we made meat and non-meat burgers and fried apple-cinnamon-cigars. Very tasty! Since our food got stolen on Tuesday, @Friek put her charming persuasiveness into action and got us free breakfast at the hostel for Sunday. After that all participants that had not left on Saturday already, packed their things and went back home.
What I will remember about #efct18 are awesome sportive activities , new knowledge about Utrecht and Amsterdam, the Cone of Shame and a great time with old and new friends. Before #efct18 I was wondering if an EFCT every year isn’t too much, but now…how could I wait so long to see you all again?