🇪🇸 🇬🇧 Volumen Up siempre activado / Volume Up always on

Queridos amigxs,

mi fairphone 1u no se puede encender porque está permanentemente activado el botón de subir el volumen. No es el boton precisamente, porque lo he desmontado. Es que está activada la señal. Cuando lo enciendo sale la pantalla de arranque donde salen las tres opciones para encender de nuevo el sistema, pero como está siempre activada la señal no se puede encender y la flecha esta constantemente en movimiento.

He desmontado el móvil entero pero no hay nada mecánico aparente que apriete el botón. Que puedo hacer??

Muchas gracias!

Dear friends,

My 1u fairphone can not be turned on because the volume up button is permanently activated. It is not the button precisely, because I have disassembled it. The signal is activated. When I turn it on, the startup screen goes out, where all three options come out to turn the system on again, but since it is always on, the signal can not be turned on and the arrow is constantly in motion.

I have dismantled the whole cell but there is nothing mechanical apparent that I pressed the button. What I can do??


Probably this button, which is soldered to the mainboard, is broken:

The volume up button (V+) looks very similar to the power button §:

The button is not expensive and can be replaced by a #localrepairshop .

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Querido Stefan
si, finalmente he reemplazado el boton y funciona perfectamente. Muchisimas gracias!

Dear Stefan
Yes, I have finally replaced the button and it works perfectly. Many thanks

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Did you replace the button yourself or did you find a repair shop that did it for you? In that case please add it to our list of #repairshops . :slight_smile:

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