Email address to contact

I want to correspond with Fairphone by email, about ordering some Fairphone 2 devices.

The website has no obvious email address to contact them. That’s frankly appalling in a company that primarily operates on the internet, so it doesn’t bode well for getting in touch with them.

Attempting to send an email message to gets me an automated reply saying they won’t read it, and could I please use their online request application.

Which then doesn’t work. (No, this isn’t an invitation to trouble-shoot their online contact app. I’m trying to send a message using known working protocols, not debug their software.)

Email works, if the people at the other end will only listen. Does anyone have an email address that reaches humans at Fairphone to discuss ordering some of their products?

I’m under the impression that just about everything goes through their support ticket system (redirecting all queries to someone who can help). If the contact form doesn’t work, e-mail and someone will manually enter it into the system.


I’ve used the online contact form and followed up by a phone call when I didn’t get a timely reply (this was when the FP2 had just been released). During the phone call, I got way more information, very quickly, and had the follow-up dealt with rapidly. Hold time was not long, they brought up my initial message while live on the phone, and were nice to deal with.

You have every right to be disappointed in not finding an email address for Fairphone or any other business with a significant internet presence, but this is not at all unusual. At least Fairphone is available by phone, which is even more rare!


Is there a known issue with the support system? I’m trying to submit a ticket and even though i’ve filled out all the mandatory (and non mandatory) fields I’m in a refresh loop when I click Submit. It loads the same page with no ticket opened and no email has been sent to me confirming any ticket has been opened.

I’m under the impression that just about everything goes through their
support ticket system (redirecting all queries to someone who can help).

If we can continue to communicate via email, and not be handled as
second-class, that would be fine since I don’t have to care what
internal system they use.


If the contact form doesn’t work, e-mail and
someone will manually enter it into the system.

I’ve done that (thank you!), received an automated response from their
internal system, and received no reply from a human.

That was 5 days ago, which leads me to conclude email is treated as

That’s pretty unacceptable for a company operating over the internet.

Fairphone should be treating potential customers with respect:
prioritise standard communication channels, not force us to jump through
special hoops merely to discuss ordering their product.

o_) Ben Finney

I have found out that the support request submit form is different for PC (which will work) and mobile (which will not work).

There have been reports that some people have a problem with it. In that cases it’s best to use the email address.

@bignose: Fairphone is a small company and they simply don’t have the capacity to have staff that is responsible just for answering mails from prospective customers. So the support team is responsible for that. They are swamped and waiting more than 5 days for a reply is unfortunately normal. Especially if they triage your request as not urgent.

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