Duplicate screen to miracast device / duplication d'écran vers miracast

I am i new Fairphone 4 owner ! :smiley:
But with this new phone i cannot managed to cast my screen to a miracast device. I didn’t found the option in configuration menu. Is it possible ? (I saw topics saying that this is working on previous fairphone)

Je viens de recevoir mon fairphone 4, Mais je ne parviens pas à caster mon écran vers des apareil miracast. Je n’ai pas trouvé l’option dans les menu. Est ce toujours possible ? J’ai vu sur le forum certains qui disent que ca marche très bien sur les précédent fairphone.

Hello and welcome to the forum. I haven’t really tried any dedicated wireless display, but I have tried Windows Connect app (which probably uses Miracast) and it works. You just have to enable it in the Screen Cast settings (Screen Cast → Settings → three dots → Enable wireless display).


Thanks for your answer. the “Screen Cast → Settings → three dots → Enable wireless display” seems to enable miracast feature, now i see my miracast device in the list.

However, after multiple attempts, i never managed to get it work. I see the ‘connecting’ screen on the device when i try to connect, but it fails. I manage to have once the “connected” status on the phone, but the screen wasn’t share on the device.

Did someone already have experience using FP4 with miracast ?

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I’m not sure if it’s Miracast but I’ve successfully shared my screen with my LG TV.

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