Downloads won't open

When downloading a document in chrome I always get an error "can’t open document because there are not enough rights.
When I go to “downloads” the file opens without any problems.
It happens mostly with pdf files and I have got both google pdf viewer and adobe acrobat on my fp2

Do I understand correctly that the issue is that you cannot open the file from within Chrome but you have to manually select the downloaded file and open it?

Does Chrome have got all possible permissions in Settings -> Apps -> Chrome -> Permissions?

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Hi Amber,
Yes I did try to give chrome every permission available.
That didn’t work but I did manage to fix this.

Apparently the google pdf viewer has issues but after installing acrobat reader and using it a couple of times I got the question if I wanted to use this app always or just for once. After setting it to “aways” the error doesn’t accure anymore.

maybe google pdf reader expects the file to be on google drive instead of the download folder of the phone.
Anyway; case closed, thanx for thinking along!


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