Does manual installation remove magisk root on FP4?

Hi there,
Apart from one exception with huge problems, OTA never worked on my rooted device. fixing-ota-after-rooting didn´t work out.
so naively I hope installing FP OS manually removed my root. Is this correct?
I followed this guide and now I am on latest Android 12 FP OS:
“Installing Fairphone OS Manually” (

I tried to switch to Iodé4 which failed twice. (another odyssee of a huge set of problems, hopefully solved)
I am wondering, whether unclean root removal may be the cause.
Anyway, I want to switch to Iodé3, not 4.
thanks in advance!

Was critical unlocked what is not requested for Iode as far as I know? No idea if this can cause issues.

Thats outdated and no longer maintained, I guess you are aware.

To unroot isnt there instructions on the offiical magisk page?

thanks, yvmuell,

  • install FP OS critical unlocked: yes, then followed instruction for locking.
  • first try Install Iodé4 critical unlocked: no and no reason for failing was mentioned.
  • second try Iodé message on screen was, it needs critical unlock - which is the contrary to instructions.
    I had a lot of mess with unlock ability. finally managed to get it back to 1.
    (thanks to all, who posted the solution)

Yes, I know, however 18 months w/o OTA wasn´t sensible, too:)

An hour ago, indeed I found one there via ADB.

so far, my Iodé3 is flashed w/o any problems.

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