Display carrier network name in status bar

FYI I’ve noticed that the network name can be obtained by pulling the quick settings pane down twice (to fully extend). It then appears at top right, either above the row of icons or left of the right-hand group. This seems to be independent of whether there’s a switch in Settings, or whether the switch works.


That’s because you have a lot of icons! On mine it appears left of the icons (I only have the network type (5G) and strength triangle, the battery icon and % value).

That been said the network now also appears when the settings drawer is closed (in normal use), on the right side of the screen, before the clock, like it did before.

I do, that’s why I said “or left of the right-hand group”.

On my phone these are on the left!

You’re right of course. I meant “left”… :upside_down_face: