Different versions of FP5 back side

Dear lovely Fairphone friends,

I just recognised, that there are two versions of the FP5:
On the back side in the upper right corner there is a „metal T“ you can see through the transparent version or after removing the backcover:

But there are even on the Fairphone website pictures, where one bar of the T is missing:

I bought mine right at the start of sales and do not have the full T. So I assume this is an early version of the design.

Is this little detail having any influence on the device?
And what are this things actually?

These are micro-antennas in various designs… and if you haven’t had any dropouts in connections so far, a missing “design part” shouldn’t have any significant disadvantages. Otherwise: I have not noticed any anomalies in this regard and have been using it from the start. :slight_smile:


Yeah, these are antennas. The one with the T-shaped antenna is the one specifically made for the Telekom network… Just kidding, my FP5 doesn’t have the T-antenna either and is one of the very first ones. No issues so far with this. Could even be that the picture with the T-antenna is just an early rendering and you won’t find any FP5 like this in the wild. Would be interesting to read from people who got their phone only lately.


Thanks for your replies :slight_smile:

So far I have no issues either.
I got a little more curios and found this difference in another source on Fairphones official Youtube channel. In the thumbain you see the “T-version” but in the video is again the one with just half of the T:

@Martin_Anderseck: True, that would be interesting! Maybe there are no produced phones with the T.

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