Dictionary/suggested words (German)

Vor dem Fairphone hatte ich ein Galaxy S3 mini.
Dort war das Schreiben der Nachrichten um ein Vielfaches einfacher (Wörter wurden wesentlich häufiger richtig vorgeschlagen, auch ohne Tippen eines Buchstabens wurde bereits ein meist korrektes Folgewort vorgeschlagen z.B. nach dem “Liebe” geschrieben wurde, kam gleich “Grüße” in der Auwahl).
Besteht irgendeine Möglichkeit die im Samsung verwendete Software auf dem Fairphone zu installieren bzw. wird es diesbezüglich vielleicht in Zukunft ein Update geben?

My old mobile phone (a galaxy s3 mini) had a much better dictionary and much better word suggestions than my fairphone.
The words suggested were right most of the time and if I wrote for example “Liebe” there came “Grüße” without typing any letter.
Is there any hope that there will be an update or is it possible to install the software used on the samsung phone on a fairphone?


I not realy sure but I think Samsung has a contract with Swipe so the Swipe Keybord from the Playstore should do what you want. I like SwiftKey more (and its free only Themes will cost money) so you might take a look.


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Correct, they are using Swype. Which works quite well on the FP, but sometimes lags a bit. Does not bother me too much, BTW. I really like the fact that you can have two active dictionaries at the same time - does SwiftKey also sport that option?

Hello @humorkritik,

yes it does. Swiftkey supports up to three languages at the same time. I’m using the German and the English one at the same time, woks fine for me. You can find the supported languages at the section “TYPE IN YOUR LANGUAGE(S)” of this page.


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