Hello. I got a Fairphone 2 just recently after giving up an Fairphone 1 due to outdated and insecure operating system software.
With Fairphone 1 and Android 4.2 I have been able to easily deactivate both SIM cards when I use WLAN.
With Fairphone 2 and Fairphone Open OS 18.02.mostrecentasoflastmonday (Android 6) I did not manage to do that. I always get “Error: can´t disable all the SIMs” for the last SIM card I choose to deactivate. I even rebooted the Fairphone in order to skip entering the PIN, but unlike the Fairphone 1 it does not let me do it.
There is a bug on https://bugtracker.fairphone.com/project/fairphone-fairphone-os-android-6/issue/15 where it is stated that I am supposed to be able to disable both SIM cards in airplane mode, but then the buttons to deactivate a SIM card are just greyed out and not clickable.
Also unlike the Fairphone 1 airplane mode also deactivates the WLAN (which makes sense to me).
This however means I am not able at all to have the Fairphone be online with WLAN without also connecting to a mobile network provider.
For me this is a major regression due to mainly two reasons:
Privacy. None of my mobile network provider have any business whatsoever to know where I am when I just use WLAN as a means to connect it to the internet. For example when I choose to use the Fairphone as a device to flip slides of a training I hold via KDE Connect.
Being in control of the device. I switched to Fairphone OpenOS for exactly that reason.
In Android 7 according to what I heard its again possible to disable both SIM cards.
So what is the status on above bug report? I did not see anything to comment and ask in Taiga directly. I am supposed to be able to disable both SIM cards in airplane mode? Are there any other ways to be able to use just WLAN without connecting to a mobile network in any way (no, not even just for phone calls and sms, really not at all). I already read LineageOS 14.1 does not have the functionality yet. But I´d also be willing to root the device, use a script, whatever – anything that works to circumvent this anti-feature.