Cyanogenmod 11 for Fairphone FP1(U) Install guide + experiences

In my opinion, the problem is that FP as a company seems to rely on people like chrmhoffmann. They obviously have an employee like keesj to serve the hardware with suitable software, but somehow it still depends on community members like chrmhoffmann to port the software to their hardware.
I definitely second that, johannes: FP would be awesome if it supported CM and base their firmware on CM. I`m not sure whether FP as a company needs more resources to achieve this, have other problems or just don’t set the focus on the software. However, I think, that the software is one of the most important drivers to bring an indie-project forward, so they should put extreme focus on that.
Currently, I can’t endorse FP to other friends interested in fair and sustainable electronics because it lacks a software upgrade path. which is necessary to make a product really sustainable. If I was FP, this was my number 1 priority if I wanted the project to survive the next 2 years and to stay true to their values like sustainability.

BTW, I tried Xprivacy now, but it’s not nearly as comfortable like the CM privacy settings. I’m just overwhelmed and have no idea what to allow and what to disallow.