CPU Temperatur while backup in TWRP

I back up my phone regularly with TWRP. and it gets really hot. twrp usually says it has around 80°C. Last time I saw on the phone the first time I had hit thr 90°C mark.
Is there a way to getthe CPU to a maximum temperature a few degrees lower?

I don’t know, but I just wanted to confirm that this is exactly the same with my phone.

I didn’t see any negative consequences of this for roughly a year now, though, so I thought “So be it”.

Backing up data is always a task of massive cpu consumption. Not only a lot of data is processed, but it´s also usual to use a form of compression thereby which makes the task even more cpu consuming.
I have never used TWRP, but different other conventional backup tools for PCs. Reducing cpu/power consumption will decrease performance/increase delay more. But if that is not of much importance there are a few options given.
As I wrote, I don´t know much about TWRP so I am unsure if it offers such settings.

My ideas are you could reduce threads/cpu cores to use or reduce the maximum data read-rate so the entire data throughput decreases. Set a lower task priority or use a “background” mode, choose a lighter compression rate/different algorithm.

Just recently I have installed 7Zarchiver to take care of the Osmand Navi package I have downloaded with additions for my need. The main drawer had about ~7GB of data which I wanted to archive. But the 7Zarchiver would had taken way too long working on the phone.
So I used the sd card on my pc to perform this step and archived the file afterwards.

I would rather try creating a single backup file with TWRP using the least demanding but quickest mode and later compress the file on a pc maybe using the ultimate mode of any 7z archiver.

As far I know about CPU is that there are some Limits about temperature where the CPU get reduced if a certain Limit is reached. In my Thinking I reduce this Limit and have a not so hot phone in my hand.
I have no problem with a bit lower speed.

BTW: I download Osmand on one Phone and sync the Osmand Directory Including favourites with syncthing on some other Phones of my family and be also able to manipulate the Osmand folder on my Desktop.

Some chips have such options integrated which are afaik de-/activation of kernels, reducing clock speed etc. But these mechanisms must be utilized by the software (OS) in use. I am not quite sure if Android takes care about all of them and what’s all integrated in our FP2 Qualcomm SoC.

Up to now I have never heard of anyones FP2 that died due to overheating. Before this occurs there should be some kind of system halt for overheat protection as it is available in almost every modern conventional cpu.
If there is any app out there giving the user the option to take care of such crucial cpu options the least thing would be root access, but I rather believe this influence requires direct control in the supervisor cpu mode. I don´t believe there is any non-developer app out there to get such direct control of cpu functions.
So it’s up to the available tool which settings are provided to keep performance and heat at a decent level.

That makes sense. Surely better than to download the huge add-ons several times to different phones. :+1:

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