Coping with heat

There have been some general threads about battery but nothing too specific heat related so I will try with a new topic

What would be your advice for coping with high temperatures over the summer?

I used to do more cycling using the phone as a navigation set on my bike handlebars. There is a plastic bag in which I put my phone ( haven’t really warmed myself to the idea of attaching the phone/case directly).
Today the phone got pretty warm pretty fast, 36 Celsius degrees so I put it away, and worryingly it didn’t cool off very fast.

When doing any water sports I was hoping to put the phone in a waterproof case/sachette and then again in a waterproof travel bag. How safe would that be? Would it be better to keep it off then?
How about keeping it in the thermal bag of any sort? Should the battery be in or outside?

If it comes to the worst, and the phone overheated, what is the safest way of cooling it down?

Finally, are there any apps that could provide me with some warnings? Or even better manage the apps so that for example only GPS works? I have some offline maps so I could potentially go offline

Any advice will be truly appreciated:)

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Lock the screen or even shut it down and put it out of the sun, maybe remove the back cover and wait a bit.

Using it in the sun and screen on heats it yes and when its in a plastik bag probably more, as there is no ventilation, however, I never checked the degree as long as the phone does not give warnings, so overall I guess I’m less thinking about such things.


Thank you for the response.
I have decided to install the monitoring apps,, and, will see how it goes.


When navigating with the phone you could use an app that can turn on the screen when you approach a turn and otherwise it’ll stay off. I think Osmand can do that. In that way it will have to do less which results in less heat. Keeping it under direct sun is probably not a good idea for any kind of complex electronic device. And not having any ventilation definitely doesn’t help, either, unfortunately.
For simple track navigation I use a Garmin GPSmap 64s which can handle direct sun quite well. My phone can remain in a bag without sun exposure then. But having all the cool navigation features of a smartphone is of course very tempting…


Have you considered for attaching the phone directly anyway? It imho works very well and your phone gets enough ventilation during riding.

Is that supposed to be a lot? Mine is 35 as I’m typing this in bed and it regularly hits 41 while charging. And I live in Sweden, so it’s never super warm. The highest the temperature ever goes is 28 and that’s once a year.

The post-summer update:)

So June and July heatwaves made my phone warm in a hand but neither of the apps reported thermal throttling then. I remember cycling and my phone temperature reaching like 38 degrees but the system seemed fine regardless.

In August it changed.

I cannot pinpoint one specific reason. There have been several new things to consider.

Android 14 update.
The fact that I spent most of my travels abroad with I would say heavy usage. Roaming (and there has been some issues with automatic network selection so the phone sometimes constantly was searching for one), GPS - Google maps and Locus were my constant companion, when on WiFi I used VPN, when I didn’t have the access to WiFi I used roaming, and then a second ESim for data, plus hundreds of pictures. The battery life was also affected, like I could lose up to 20-30 % in an hour, meaning I was constantly charging it from the powerbank which did not help obviously.
Coping with heat.
It is almost impossible for me to link the thermal throttling to any new apps or increased usage of the previously used apps but it cannot be dismissed as irrelevant anyway. It’s just I didn’t pay enough attention to apps.

As I mentioned I installed two monitoring apps.
Thermal monitor would report at chosen intervals and usually on a change in throttling level, including the level of throttling and the temperature. I don’t remember my phone reaching more than forty somewhat degrees but quite often I would get reports that user experience is seriously impacted . See the screenshot for reference of the communication panel (no throttling now)

The second one called Temperature Monitor and Alarm uses its own? reference scale but you can actually set the alarm threshold. Prior to August I had it on 70 % (below the limit of 100% that the app suggested) and it was always way below, during last days I had it on 103-110 % and had to switch off the alarm. Again the screenshot for reference.

Apologies for the long post.

I am kinda hopeful that the biggest heatwaves for this year are behind us as my holidays are over;-)
Am also glad that never the phone became unresponsive or there was any internal UI warning.

I am bit surprised perhaps (not the best word I guess) that the phone could manage similar processor temperatures in June/July and now I got both the monitoring apps going a bit crazy. They reported heavy throttling even at arguably not that high temperatures. I wonder if the system is getting more busy with Android 14 or whether they are not tuned to this update.

The phone can get warm to touch which is not something I really like. Perhaps it’s just the thing of of modern machines. I switched an eight year old Dell to a new Asus and cannot keep it on my knees when working.

30% sounds really very high and I wonder a lot if the mentioned reasons might really justify that!
On the other hand I’m not surprised that a device becomes hot while consuming so much power in such a short time…

I am using the basic Accubattery so can’t access exact specifics at the moment.

If that proves significant I can upgrade the account to check the app usage

Not only the consumption, but also the permanent charging generates heat!? :smile:


Maybe you need a smartwatch? :sunglasses:
(The display on a smartphone consumes a lot of energy)

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my holidays are sadly over and my work travels almost over so I am back to a less interesting less nomadic kind of life.

and I am not sure I want another device to worry about, I already had to carry an e-reader, a laptop and a cooling pad for my laptop :rofl: plus obviously a powerbank :blush:


I had the issue last summer. It was a hot day and it got unusually hot and started throttling to the point it was unusable. I had a similar thread to this. I just had no evidence that it got hot. Now since this thread was useful for this temp monitor app. I’m going to add that as my evidence if it were to ever happen again. Just yet another app that i have to install. Thanks for the idea.

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I should have mentioned (my bad) that I paid something like 2 euros for Thermal Monitor App to get some extra features. But I am in no way affiliated with the app or running a crypto commercial here :slight_smile:

Not a issue. I realize I’m not like most people. $2 in us dollars is like $1.87 with exchange rates depending on what country you live in. This is not usually a problem with digital purchases as long as you go credit card. Most banks think that your card is stolen and block the transaction. Unless you plan on a vacation in any country other than the us. Most banks do want advance notice if you plan on trip like that. That’s basically not an issue I have. This is why I’m willing to import anything like replacement parts for fairphone. Just gotta switch countries in the store app to the proper location in question. Like Amazon US-UK as an example. Just don’t forget to change back unless you want groceries from Europe. LOL :rofl:

If you need any info on temps. The device info app is handy. It has temps on everything it looks like. Here is a screenshot of that apps temp menu. It also gives other info about the phone itself. Now l’m set if this issue were to happen again. Once again thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it. Thanks.

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