Contact screen FP2 disappeared

My whole contact (home)screen dissapeared and I seem to be missing contacts as well. How to get the screen back and where can I get my contacts again?

to figure out what happened to your contacts might be a bit difficult. Did you sync them to a google account? If so, you can login to gmail and from there navigate to your contacts. There is an option to rollback to a previous date, so if the contacts were deleted in the last 2 days, rolling back to the 28th would do the trick…
To get the contact screen again should be easy. Simply create a new screen and add the contacts widget, which will fill the screen completely…
Hope it works and best regards,


Thanks, I took the wrong widget. I used the ‘contacts’ widget and it should be the ‘My contacts’ widget to get the full screen one. Now I will try to back-up.


Hi there,
The same happened to me. Where can I find the “My contacts” widget please?

Long tap on an empty space somewhere on the home screen, then you can an edit your home screen (incl. adding widgets).
You may also have look into the user guide (pp. 16 f.), there you’ll find more info on how to use the user interface, incl. widgets & more.

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