Hi I have been using Fairphone 4 with Android for a couple of years and recently with the political situation in the US I wanted to switch from Android and as I have never installed a phone OS previously I decided to buy the Murena Fairphone with e/os even though I probbaly still have a few years of life in my Fairphone 4.
Unfortunately I discovered the the Murena phone is missing an Irish locale so in the end I have to install something else. I am wondering about what operating systems are reccommended. Should I just switch back to Android or are there other properly localised operating systems out there that are compatible with Fairphone5. Does anyone have experience with LineageOS or Sailfish in Fairphone?
Apologies if I sound impolite or off topic but if you anyway are willing to make an effort to install an alternative OS, what is the advantage of FP5 over your FP4?
I noticed your post with a startup settings screenshot on Mastodon. I just checked the system settings on a Fairphone 5 running the standard Fairphone OS, and it seems to me that what you are shown on the startup settings is just a selection of 5-6 (probably) most common English variations. Once you are in the actual system settings later, you can customize your English language setting to a(nother) specific country.
While I cannot check this on an FP5 running /e/OS, I also checked it on my personal FP3 running /e/OS and it’s the same.
What I meant was it seems you have now two perfectly working phones on both of which you are free to install any OS you wish.
I have no experience with changing the ROM and I understand it might be easier to rely on preinstalled stuff (what I currently do) but perhaps you could ask someone to help you with the installation.
FP5 is superior to FP4 in many respects and you get now a fresh 5 year warranty but still it might not be worth the money spent
Returning it might be the best way for you to deal with it now, and that’s fine, but how exactly would that improvement mechanism work with one returned device?
Checked on FP5 with eOS.
In Settings - Language you can add language ‘English’ - then you get a 2nd selection with a host of regions including Ireland.